Showering and face-washing after work is also a good idea. Proper personal hygiene and hand protection can help keep workers productive and on the job. Good Hygiene Practices - Reducing the Spread of Infections and.
Personal Hygiene - California State Compensation Insurance Fund
When we think about good hygiene one of the first things we tend to think of is washing our hands on a regular basis. But good hygiene is about much more. Benefits of Good Hygiene at Work - EzineArticles Submission. • Keep your hands and face clean, especially if you work in an area where chemicals have been applied. • Practice good hygiene at home as well as on the job.
Personal Hygiene on the Job
> Good Hygiene Practices - Reducing the Spread of Infections and Viruses. allow employees to work from home, or to work flexible hours to avoid crowding.
What is a good hygiene at work Facts for Life - Hygiene